Thursday, October 11, 2012
9/11/2012 9:30 PM Embassy in Benghazi attacked - 4 killed
State debt says terrorism
Video is used as target but from what source .....
Embassy in Egypt issues statement condemning those who would offend Muslims
Twitter post - backs it up - again says video offends musslims
10:39 PM that evening - Mitt states that he cannot believe the state debt. did not condemn the killers
9/12/2012 11:30 AM Protests begin at Embassy in Egypt over movie
The press collectively attacks Mitt for the statement - not the president or the State Debt.
Obama comes out and states that Romney "shoots first and investigates later"
Obama comes out with Clinton and says it was a video
Carney says that the video caused the problem
9/13/2012 State debt says this was a terrorist attack
9/14/2012 Clinton says it was the video at exchange of bodies ceremony
9/16/2012 Susan Rice on Sunday shows says it was the video
Libyan president issues statement confirming preplanned terrorism
9/17/2012 Sate debt Victoria Newland wont say terror
9/19/2012 CNN goes in and finds his diary
9/20/2012 CBS news on scene and is told by witnesses there was no protest at the consulate on 9/11
9/21/2012 Jay Carney now says it was self evident this was a terror act
Clinton now says it was a terrorist attack
9/25/2012 Obama on the View says no doubt was not just a mob action ... knows no mobs at all
At UN he again says the video is the issue
9/26/2012 Reports show Obama knew within 24 hours that Alqieda was involved
9/27/2012 Video creator arrested
9/28/2012 Dir of national intel - James Clapper - issues statement backing Obama - facts evolving
FBI shows up in October to investigate - on ground for 3 hours
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