This big bloated monster we have now is so ripe with corruption as a result of the power we have given it. The taxes it collects give it the ability to influence our lives way beyond the levels the constitution intends and this is our biggest problem today. If they had less influence we could live our lives concerned about our own future and not worried about the corruption growing in DC as their power grows.
They are there for the purposes of advancing their own net worth ... not protecting the rights (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) granted to us by our creator and stated in the constitution. In the words of Braveheart "They think we exist to give them wealth and position, we say their position exists to guarantee our freedoms!"
A govt that is too big is too open to corruption simply due the amount of power that it controls. We have to make them small enough that we can forget them and concentrate on our families and our own happiness and freedom. The only way for us to be able to live our lives without the worry of the influence and corruption of govt. is to reduce the size and influence of that govt., just as the constitution intended.
This is the basic difference between the OWS movement and the Tea Party. The Tea Party wants a smaller government so they can live their lives without a corrupt all powerful menace, the OWS movement wants a huge govt to control every aspect of their lives but with no corporate influence in the govt. OWS is nothing more than an orchestrated propaganda wing of the big govt. we have today, with the backing and muscle of the equally corrupt unions and the financial backing of the Soros foundations (which have all seen huge growth thanks to the insider trading fed to them by this joke of a president and his cronies).
The model should be that states have the power and the ability to try what their voters want within the framework of the Constitution. That way if a state passes laws that I don't agree with but obviously the majority of the state population does, I can go to a state more to my liking and still be an American. If what the state does is not working ... more people will leave and eventually the state will run out of tax revenue which will drive them to change. Today the federal govt gives them a bail out which is why we have idiots in California paying 30 million dollars to study field mice while Americans are loosing their homes. If you want to do idiotic things like that you need to do it on the backs of the voters and tax payers in California not the entire country!
The federal government is there to ensure we are protected with a strong military and that states do not do things which infringe upon the rights (Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness) given to us by our creator and guaranteed in the constitution. That's it !
We have enough on our hands being involved in our state and county laws without worrying about our Federal government becoming a corrupt socialist joke.
Here's what I want to see
- Equal justice - not social justice
- Respect for our military and less corruption thru privatization
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