The globalist system of Tyranny

This system operates on one simple principal and that is to destroy hope and implement full state control.

This is the syndicate on a global level. The goon who intimidates the shop owner into paying for protection where there is no real threat other than the goon and his organization is grown to a state level. Here massive amounts of money are collected from the people via taxes to provide aid on an international and national scale with the real threat of war and economic collapse from globalist manipulators unless power is submitted to them along with the tax dollars of the people.

Disarm the people so they pose less threat to being controlled and subjugated

Corrupt politicians remove your faith in country and nation opening the door to global control and the ultimate extortion of the population thorough taxation fed to NGOs of the globalists funded by corrupt state departments. 

Keep the people divided into to tribal groups

Global terror allows the spread of the police state to increase control and further erase your freedom and hope.

Free speech must be destroyed to allow no criticism of the tyrants and remove even the hope of speaking out against injustice.

Family must be destroyed to remove independence and love and make the corrupt state the only hope for those in need of the family support we all need.

End American freedoms
Sexualize children and remove parental protection
Demoralize women - make them submit

Christianity must be destroyed to remove the ultimate hope of a savior and replace him with a heartless state and the charity of the church must be replaced by government to implement full control.

 Why is the LGBTQ (which is lees than 1% of our population) given so much power to destroy companies and why is it pushed so heavily in media and Hollywood, is it to give it the power to attack Christianity?  Why is Islam pushed so much and portrayed as such a benevolent faith when terror attacks and persecution of women are rampant in this system?  Why is it that no other faith is targeted by LGBTQ?

Media and law enforcement must cover for lawlessness and attack those in favor of freedom.

This is no more evident than in Portland where police allow ANTIFA to attack reports unabated and then have the disgusting media traitors herald the attackers as fighting fascism. Smollett is another perfect example of obvious wrong dong going unpunished without any serious media challenge.
Media deception
Media attacks on president start on election night

Distract the people (divide and reinforce agenda)

  • Create massive sports organizations
  • Divide people into the teams they support 
  • Pay the “players” millions - make idols of people who do nothing but play a game - make people  envy
  • Use the players to divide (kneeling, gay agenda)
  • Make movies pushing your agenda 
  • Reward the “actors” with millions - make the people envy 
  • Push your agenda into tv “programming” and commercials 
  • Ensure viewers and fans are distracted from government and God
  • Ensure they worship players and actors over God

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