Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time to start eating at Chick-Fil-A

Chick-Fil-A lets go of some employees that cannot prove they are legal US residents (which is what Holder and the current administration is pushing companies to do) and because of it the SEIU goons are staging bogus protests at the restaurant chain. 

This is absolute garbage !!!   If you are here illegally and companies are going to be prosecuted for hiring you why is the SEIU or any union staging protests and calling for boycotts of companies that obey the law.   The unions are getting dues from these illegal workers and they're just protecting their greedy pockets AGAIN !!

Here are the details on this typical union bullying: stop the hate campaign against law abiding American businesses/ .   

I hate this kind of garbage, does anybody know where I can get a Chick-Fil-A sandwich right now ?

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