Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nancy Peolsi likes NLRB persecution of Boeing

What an  idiot this woman is! 

Why do the rest of us in this great nation have to suffer through morons like this being sent to congress from California?

Here she is supporting Boeing being bullied by the NLRB because they can employ Americans in SC who are not Union.  Watch the reporter ask her if she thinks it's right that Boeing has to close it's new plant in SC because it's non union and she answers "yes".  She then says she hopes they will buckle to the govt and make it union.  Listen for yourself and try not become enraged .....

Sickening how they favor their voting base even to the extent of keeping Americans out of a job..

It's time to ask ourselves some pretty serious questions:
  • Are Americans in Unions better than other Americans?
  • Are Americans in SC not as as good as Americans in union plants?
  • Do we want the govt deciding where our jobs will be?
  • Is it time to end the NLRB?
  • How long are we going to stand for the NLRB bullying companies and denying Americans jobs by holding up Boeing in the courts?
  • Why hasn't congress acted to help create these jobs in SC?
  • Why isn't congress calling Obama's bluff on jobs and asking him why he supports his buddies in the NLRB stopping Americans in SC from getting jobs? 
What questions do you have about this ?

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