Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To hell with the auto workers ... at Ford

GM reports that sales are up a whopping 16% in June.  Great news right ? 

Well let's take a little better look ....

It turns out that GM sold almost 40% of it's cars in June to the govt.  Obama had the govt. increase it's fleet purchases by 76% in June and how many of those cars came from Ford?  You guessed it folks. 

So GM who got a bailout of $50million and a tax break of $45million and now gets a nice crony contract with Obama to supply the govt. with cars.  A sweet 76% increase in sales to the govt. on top of it.  

The American workers at Ford got none of this. 

Don't forget that we still own (the taxpayers) 500+ million shares of GM which currently = a loss of $15 billion to us while the UAW at GM got bailed out.   Remember too that GM recently showed a profit of $8 billion which they paid 0 taxes on due to another stimulus gift..... Ford paid taxes!  

You don't hear about the good work at Ford because the MSM can't make Obama look good with that story.  But when you hear the press praise GM remember that your tax stimulus dollars are paying for all their success.

The bottom line here is that we Americans need to buy Fords !  

More on this story here:  GM inflates sales to make Obama look good

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