The tax rate can never exceed 10% period ... the federal govt has to function within that amount. If every American (not just the 53% of us who do now) was paying into it they would make damn sure the govt didn't abuse it. Public worker pay and benefits would follow this simple and fair approach to help them meet budgets.
Here are the benefits I see:
- Everyone pays the same rate. We all have to buy food, gas, cars .... and if the tax is taken then no one can avoid it. Hookers, pimps, drug dealers, strippers and all other cash based or illegal businesses have to pay. This alone will be a huge increase in revenue. Illegal immigrants have to eat also so they too will be paying taxes .... I bet a lot less of them will come here if they can no longer avoid taxes and have to be like the rest of us. The rich will buy more stuff and more expensive stuff so they will pay more dollars .... the more expensive an item is the more dollars will be taxed and that should please the occupy losers.
- We will no longer need the IRS .... a huge savings.
- Congress will no longer be able to avoid paying their taxes .... Geithner!!!!!
- No more political bull shit .... we all pay the same and if we buy more stuff we pay more so the rich pay their share. (unlike today where they pay more than their share)
- No corporate taxes .... there is no such thing anyway. You ask a company to pay a fee and they pass it on to the consumer so we always paid these taxes anyway. Such a bunch of bullshit.
- Any money collected over the federal budget goes back into social security and congress can never touch these funds! They can not borrow against it or use it for any purpose other than paying back the people who paid into it.
As of today there are now 49.5% of Americans not paying taxes. The 53 has dropped to 51.5%. This president is a joke !