Monday, March 4, 2013

Gun control

To me the issue of gun control has people on both sides who are truly concerned about taking the opportunity out of the hands of cowards to harm the defenseless.   Politicians on the other hand are not so easily trusted.  History tells us to be concerned about politicians disarming the people they serve because those same disarmed people soon become "subjects".

The Facts

For those who feel that the magazine size is the answer.  That if we have these mentally ill cowards, and I call them cowards because you never hear about any of them pulling this crap at a gun range, being slowed down by having to change the magazine we can rush them.  This sheriff's video shows us how quickly a magazine can be changed by even an inexperienced shooter. The other very important perspective is how many shots it takes to actually hit a target, especially when we're afraid for our lives.

The Funny

This video adds a little humor to a touchy subject. VP Biden recently advised women to get a shotgun as opposed to an AR 15 due to ease of use. I actually agree with that possition. I have friends in the military and their theory is that in home protection a shotgun always wins ... and that the only reason they have a handgun is to get them back to their riffle. No offense to the ladies here but some of these reactions are hilarious. Please note the woman shooting the AR 15 at the end of the video.

The Rediculous

There are some on the far left who simply take this opportunity to advance their agenda. They have no concern for the victims but only seek to impose their own political unconstitutional view on us. I said before that politicians cannot be trusted and unfortunately on many constitutional issues niether can the press or our current batch of teachers. Here are some examples:
7 year old boy suspended for making a gun out of pastry at school
High school student suspended for disarming gunman
kid threatened over picture of air soft gun

The Constitution

The British are coming the British are coming! So many Americans sadly don't even know the story behind this famous quote from the revolutionary war. What he was warning the people about was a British officer who was conducting a night raid on an American town to try and confiscate their weapons. It was a gun control raid because the king of England knew that his tyrany was threatened by the fact that people could defend themselves. The founding fathers created the second amendment to ensure that the people would always have the meanse to get rid of a tyranical government by whatever means necessary, as they had just done. Tyrants do not usually allow themselves to be voted out.

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