Friday, August 10, 2012

Who are you ..

111,000,000 people now taking some form of govt aid.

If you think it OK to spend the hard earned dollars of the taxpayers to buy votes from those on the increasing govt programs - you're a democrat

If you're a taxpayer who's having your money taken to give to these people and you're OK with it - you're an idiot.

If you're sick of it and want the states to run their own programs using only state funds and get the feds out of it - you're a Tea Party conservative.

Illegals getting govt. aid and tax dollars for their anchor babies.

If you like having illegals get money from hard working taxpayers and having their babies be instant American citizens so they can get all the American govt. assistance from hard working taxpayers for free so you can buy the immigrant vote - you're a democrat 

If you're a tax payer who knows this happens and you don't care about it - you're an idiot.

If you're a taxpayer who's sick of this and wants no anchor babies (children have the nationality of their parents period! if a child is born at sea it's not a fucking citizen of the ocean is it).  If you want illegals getting no form of govt assistance - you're a Tea Party Conservative.


If you think that you should be able to fuck around all you want with govt. not allowed into your bedroom but yet you want the govt to pay for you to fuck around using stolen taxpayer dollars - you're a democrat
If you can't afford the contraception then you probably can't afford the baby either so may you shouldn't be fucking around period!

If you're a taxpayer who doesn't mind having your money taken so it can be given to someone who wants to fuck someone other than you - you're an idiot

If you're a taxpayer who's sick of some entitled little slut telling you that you have to pay for her to fuck some other looser who can't afford a rubber.  If you want contraception to be available for anyone to purchase with their own hard earned money - you're a Tea Party Conservative

Voter ID

If your willing to say that black people are too stupid to get a picture id so you can continue to use voter fraud to try and steal elections - you're a democrat

If you actually believe that black people are too stupid to get a picture id - you're an idiot

If you only want living non felon American citizens to vote in American elections - you're a Tea Party Conservative 

Vetting presidential candidates

If you're OK with the fact that Obama had a background that would scare any American and no one knew about it till years after the election (here are all the details of Obama's past).   If you're OK with a president that would spend millions to hide his past - you're a democrat

If you knew Obama's past and you were Ok with it being hidden - you're in the media

If you want a press corps (by the way that's pronounced core Mr Obama... smartest president my ass) that digs into all candidates with no obvious bias - you're a Tea Party Conservative

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